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Learning from the RTB market

Published on data-science - - Carlos Pita

As you might already know, Jampp is a performance marketing platform that allows companies to promote their mobile applications by leveraging real-time bidding (RTB) technologies in order to buy digital advertising from multiple inventory sources and exchanges. During an RTB transaction, an auction is announced and any interested bidder has to answer with a bid price within a time constraint of about 100 milliseconds. The bidder that wins the auction pays the second-highest price and obtains the right to print a creative (which is just jargon for displaying an ad) on a publisher site. If the banner is clicked by the user, further goal events might be tracked, e.g. the application may be installed or opened. Obtaining a goal event is called a conversion.

One main component of our platform is the machine learning subsystem that feeds the bidding subsystem with predictive models of conversion rates for different events of interest (clicks, installs, opens, etc.). A conversion rate for an event \(E\) is the conditional probability \(p(E|C,T)\) of getting that event by printing some creative \(C\) in the context of the current RTB transaction \(T\). Why is it so important for our business to have good estimates of these rates? Simply because we sell conversions, but we pay for impressions. For example, suppose one client pays us \($1\) per install and we estimate the install conversion rate to be around \(0.1\) (just cheating… real world figures are well under a dismaying \(0.001\) :-( ). Then, assuming our creative is going to get printed, we should expect an average profit of \($0.1 - c\), where \(c\) is the expected cost of the impression. If our rate estimates are grossly miscalculated, we lose money by under-evaluating the expected income (thus missing opportunities with \(c < $0.1\)) or by over-evaluating it (thus buying non-opportunities with \(c > $0.1\)) 1. The bottom line is that our bidder might be able to pick an optimal pair (bid, creative) for the market transaction in progress from:

  1. The estimated conditional conversion rate for the goal event.
  2. Our customer valuation of the goal event.
  3. The budget constraint for the advertising campaign.
  4. A narrow-minded profit maximization behavior.

In order to estimate conversion rates, we implemented a SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) algorithm or, more specifically, a FTRL-P (Follow the Regularized Leader Proximal) algorithm with Adagrad (Adaptive Learning Rate) and ElasticNet (Lasso and Ridge) regularization. This is a state-of-the-art algorithm mostly used in online advertising because of its convenient trade-off between optimization and estimation errors in scenarios where computational capacity —and not available data— is the real bottleneck. Every day our system is able to learn from an online stream of tens of millions of messages published by the bidder into a very lightweight middleware implemented on top of ZMQ.

The first step after receiving an event from the stream is to turn it into a numerical vector that the estimator can consume. Since most of our variables are categorical and since we consider many interactions between these variables, the output vector will be a sparse binary array of “dummy” variables. We feed this vector to a cluster of estimators, each one parameterized according to a grid of parameters controlling strength of regularization, number of hashing bits (yes, we take advantage of the hashing trick as everybody else does), estimator memory, etc. Periodically, we evaluate the estimators in the cluster using a mix of progressive validation and bootstrap validation in order to select the best performing parameterization. The chosen estimator is then converted to a tree-like data structure thoroughly optimized for fast model evaluation and, finally, it’s exported to the bidding subsystem.

We now move on to a more detailed description of the FTRL-P algorithm itself, which is the workhorse of our learning system. Let \((x,y)\) denote the input vector, with \(x\) a set of binary features and \(y\) a binary response. Also, let \(\theta\) denote the vector of model coefficients. Then our prediction at time \(t\) is computed from the logistic regression model:

Of course, the goal of the algorithm is to learn \(\theta_t\) from a succession of input events \((x_1,y_1), \ldots, (x_t,y_t)\). For this we minimize the sum over each previously seen input event of:

  1. (The gradient of) the log-likelihood loss, which is a logloss for the logistic model.
  2. A stabilizing term that introduces some strong convexity into the mix.
  3. Regularizing terms that combine lasso and ridge regularization.

After filling in the details and translating everything to Greek:


  • \(g_{1:t}\) is the sum of the previous gradients \(g_1, \ldots, g_t\) of the loss function.
  • \(A_t = (\sum_{s=1}^t g_s g’_s)^{1/2}\), which minimizes the regret bound over Mahalanobis norms for projected gradient descent. That said, in real life we just consider the diagonal matrix \(diag(A_t)\) for the sake of computation.
  • \(\eta_0\) is the initial learning step.
  • \(\lambda_1\) is the strength of the lasso regularization.
  • \(\lambda_2\) is the strength of the ridge regularization.

Regularization terms aside, this is mostly equivalent to an online gradient descent formulation with learning rate \(\eta_t = \eta_0 A_t^{-1}\), but solving the minimization in a follow-the-leader fashion allows for an effective implementation of lasso regularization that produces coefficients which are exactly zero (and, hence, more sparse models that are cheaper to store and transfer and, most importantly, way faster to evaluate). Although at first sight it might seem that implementing the follow-the-leader update step —which sums over every previous input— would be harder than implementing the gradient descent update step —which just cares about the last update—, this first impression turns out to be wrong after a careful reformulation of the above expression:

where \(z_t = {g_{1:t}} - \frac{1}{\eta_0} \sum_{s=1}^t (A_s - A_{s-1})\theta_s\), which can be cheaply calculated in an incremental way as:

Now, when \(A_t\) is diagonal the closed form of the solution is just:

Glossing over many technicalities like:

  • Keeping a huge inverse hash map, in order to recover features from hashes.
  • Following a “memory schedule” that weights each input according to the time elapsed since its arrival, in order to adapt to ever-changing market conditions 2.
  • Storing frequent checkpoints of the model, in order to resume from valid states after expected deployments or unexpected crashes.

…our implementation faithfully follows the update formula above. Given that the input vectors are sparse, the update step is very efficient (it’s \(O(n)\) with \(n\) the number of non-zero features) even for high dimensional data (millions of features). The implementation is pretty generic in the sense that —besides the logloss and logit link— custom loss and link functions can be passed as parameters to the optimizer. We implemented all this using Python (with patches of C here and there), and we are very happy with our experience and results.

Currently, we are well on our way to leveraging this technology in order to model market clearing prices and campaign velocity of spend, which are paramount to computing the opportunity cost of bidding for a campaign (vs. bidding for another one) and to establishing a bidding schedule with the right pacing for each campaign, so stay tuned! ;-)


  • Bottou, Léon. “Large-scale machine learning with stochastic gradient descent.” Proceedings of COMPSTAT’2010. Physica-Verlag HD, 2010. 177-186. Online.

  • McMahan, H. Brendan. “A unified view of regularized dual averaging and mirror descent with implicit updates.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.3240 (2010). Online.

  • Duchi, John, Elad Hazan, and Yoram Singer. “Adaptive subgradient methods for online learning and stochastic optimization.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 12.Jul (2011): 2121-2159. Online.

  • McMahan, H. Brendan, et al. “Ad click prediction: a view from the trenches.” Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2013. Online.

  1. Here we assume we have a neutral attitude towards risk so we only care about expected values.

  2. In practice, we implement a simple exponential-decay schedule.

x </We are hiring>
    import tornado.ioloop
    import tornado.web

    class CandidatesHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

        def get(self, name):
            secret = self.get_argument('secret')
            is_geek = False
            if ',' in secret:
                word = ''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in secret.split(',')])
                is_geek = word == 'geek'
            if is_geek:
                self.write("Hi %s, we are waiting for you. jobs@jampp.com" % name)
                raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404, "Geek not found")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        app = tornado.web.Application([
           (r'/candidates/(.*)', CandidatesHandler)