An in depth look into caching (Part 1)
Nobody calls it that way anymore. But the term is oddly descriptive.
Nowadays, it’s all about interconnected systems. You log into your
mobile game with your Google account, or maybe your Facebook account.
You search for some page (of which you never ever knew its address
- honestly, who types URLs anymore?) and expect the whole process
of typing your query, finding your page, and going into that, to
be faster than bookmarking it. You find it in half a second, it
was a news page, and hit the button to share on Twitter.
Overview of Jampp's platform
Jampp is a mobile app marketing company. Our platform helps mobile app advertisers to acquire and re-engage their users globally. This enables brands to go beyond simple installs and re-targeting clicks, as it optimizes for in-app activity and conversions, thus maximizing lifetime value.
Our intention in this initial post is to give a brief overview of the different systems that power our platform. In future posts we will delve deeper into most of the topics covered here and others.